Narratives can be helpful and hurtful.
When you continue to follow a true narrative, your soul is refreshed.
When you follow a false narrative, energy is depleted because the action you believed to bring refreshment, doesn’t.
One of my true narratives: going to the beach refreshes my soul and making time for it is important.
One of my false narratives: going shopping refreshes my soul. I realized that I believed this narrative because I saw others “happy” during or post-shopping trip. (Most likely in the movies or watching too many Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.)
Oftentimes the narratives we adapt based on others is an assumption that it brings the other person joy. Though it could possibly be a false narrative for them as well.
Understanding your true narratives help focus your time on activities that expand your spirit rather than confuse it.
Can you identify one narrative that is true for you?
Can you identify a false narrative you believe that’s based on what someone else does?
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i'm heather
I help female entrepreneurs do their bookkeeping so that they can dream, create goals, and plan the practical.
© her hands create 2021
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