Happy New Year.
An opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start over. A new journal. A new workout plan. A new you.
Or does it have to be so dramatic?
Researchers say about 60% of people make New Year resolutions. Only 8% are successful in achieving them.
I’m generally one of those people. The new year for me is like a whiteboard, erasing the previous year and drawing up a new, ideal plan for the year ahead.
This year, I will be less dramatic and focus on the daily practice.
Which means I won’t erase the entire board. I will keep things on that board into 2021, like chocolate chip cookies.
Some things I’ll toss and some things I’ll improve.
I didn’t get a new journal for 2021. I continued from the day before. Why waste 80 pages in my Leuchtturn1917 so I can neatly label it 2020 rather than 2021?
Based on today, and not the next 365 days, what would you like to keep, toss, OR improve?
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i'm heather
I help female entrepreneurs do their bookkeeping so that they can dream, create goals, and plan the practical.
© her hands create 2021
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